Per amended MN Rule 8410.0105, subp. 9, and 8410.0160, subp. 6, Local Water Plans must be prepared by metropolitan cities and towns and must become part of their local comprehensive plans. They must be revised essentially once every ten years in alignment with the local comprehensive plan schedule.
A municipality has two years prior to its local comprehensive plan being due to adopt its local water plan. The next local comprehensive plans are due December 31, 2018; thus all cities and towns in the seven-country metropolitan area must complete and adopt their local plans between January 1, 2017 and December 31, 2018. Thereafter, add ten years to each of the previous dates. Local water plans may be updated more frequently by a municipality at its discretion. The Pioneer-Sarah Creek Watershed Management Commission’s Third Generation Watershed Management Plan was approved by BWSR on January 28, 2015.
City of Loretto Local Surface Water Management Plan On April 11th, the Loretto City Council approved the Local Surface Water Management Plan update. This final version has undergone review by the Commission and the Met Council and includes revisions based on comments received.